Good Weight News!

English: Streetlife in a Western Cape township
Image via Wikipedia

Those who have read my Streetlife articles will know that I was in a right mess last year, weight-wise, because of my extended séjours  on the streets of France and Spain. For a man of my stature who measure 185 centimeters(more or less six foot two), I weighed only 62 kilos(124 pounds), which was not nearly  enough for a healthy  adult. When I weighed myself yesterday, I found that I now have a more comfortable weight of 70 kilos(140 pounds), which is excellent news!

It is not yet enough, but I’m on the right road to recovery, for which I have my good friend Tom to thank, who took me in and fed me. Is it not amazing,what a healthy diet will do for you?’

I am currently checking out rates of transport charges for the logistics part of his business, but I still find time to write on our blog, of course! Not every piece I write has to be a rant or a rave, right?

Happy blogging to all!

Published by Revlang

I am a copywriter and I am committed to making our new technologies understandable to the not-so-very-young generations.

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