Help The Dolphins!!!

Whale meat at the Tsukiji fish market
Whale meat at the Tsukiji fish market (Photo credit: Wikipedia)

From STOP killing Whales & Dolphins:

DOLPHIN HUNTS – What will help YOU to help the dolphins this year?

In a matter of days the HUNTING of DOLPHINS and PILOT WHALES begins AGAIN in Japan.

Every year from September through to March/April this coastal “drive” hunting takes place in small villages around the country.

The fishermen sell the prettier ones, supplying dolphins to the captive industry for entertainment, killing the rest of the catch and packaging the meat for sale (often mislabelled as whale meat).

We have been involved in one way or another over the last 4 years or so and it seems likely that the season will be no different to the others.

No doubt ALL of us (meaning you) will continue to be distressed by the news and the exhaustion should you decide to be active again this year.

As always this page supports those amazing individuals who choose to bear witness through this very emotional season by being in Japan as hopefully you will also.

As with last year we will not be posting daily updates as most of you who are interested in following it know where to go for the information.

So, what CAN we do here to support you that might be a little different from previous years?

Do we again set up the “event” with all the contact information so that you can share and invite friends?

Do we update all information already available?

Do we create a barrage of images that you can share (we’ll need some extra help if that is needed)?

What would YOU like to see?  What would help YOU?

Please let us know by commenting or messaging the page directly.

Thanks so much.

ARC admin

Note from Ralphie – Sign the petition!

Published by Revlang

I am a copywriter and I am committed to making our new technologies understandable to the not-so-very-young generations.

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