Updated Workout Challenge.

I saw this on Pinterest, from Sarah Ray, but decided that I should update it:



Workout Challenge: Get your radio and fork the whole shebang:

5 burps, definitely! To clear the stomach.

10 lunches

30 Russian twists to my Vodka.

10 trichocolate dips

30 butt kicks. Jeeves, bend over! Take a minute’s rest after.

25 Crunchies

1 full fridge

10 squash gratins

30 bi-cycled roasted chickens

10 tricep dips, might aswell! To go with the tacos…

45 jumping jacket potatoes

5 slurpies

1 veeeeeeeery loooooong nap.


Published by Revlang

I am a copywriter and I am committed to making our new technologies understandable to the not-so-very-young generations.

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