Practically Magical

We have many choices in life, we don’t think about this often, but, we truly do. From the moment we roll from bed, there are choices; diminutive details of our lives are all about our own choices, but, we fail to claim this as a truth, we fail to take personal responsibility and ownership of …

Another Wintry Dawn

I realize that I write about early mornings repetitively, but, I am so excited about the dawning of a new day, I have no restraint.  What possibilities lay ahead and how can I make this day count in truly meaningful ways?  This morning is black; still, I can make out a fine icy dusting of …

The Grateful Heart

Thankfulness is a fine art. If one can manage to move about the world in an attitude of charismatic gratitude, it is entirely possible to edge ever closer toward the full joy of true spiritual awareness. The wisdom of age ignites a passion within the truly wise ones and reminds us to embrace life, to embrace love, …