From http://robertoalborghetti.wordpress.com/ * Do visit our colleague on WordPress. It is really worth your while! * The Rizzoli Bookstore building is an icon of New York City architecture and one of the most beautiful commercial spaces in America. It is an impressive example of adaptive reuse of a former piano showroom into a retail space and …

Join me in helping end extreme poverty – Petition

Dear readers, In just a few weeks, presidents, prime ministers and chancellors from around the world are heading to Northern Ireland for a BIG meeting: the G8 Summit. They have a lot to deal with, but we’ve got to make sure the fight against extreme poverty gets bumped to the top of their list. Extreme …

Guilt-free clothing!

From http://www.avaaz.org/en/crushed_to_make_our_clothes_loc/?fp – Sign the petition! 524,431 have signed. Let’s get to 1,000,000 Posted: 3 May 2013 We’ve all seen the horrific images of hundreds of innocent women burned or crushed to death in factories while making our clothes. In the next few days we can get companies to stop it happening again. Big fashion brands source from hundreds of factories in Bangladesh.Two …

Cetacean Rights Petition.

Since dolphins and whales can not speak for themselves, someone should do it for them. Please join me in signing this petition. From http://www.cetaceanrights.org/: Declaration of Rights for Cetaceans: Whales and Dolphins. Based on the principle of the equal treatment of all persons; Recognizing that scientific research gives us deeper insights into the complexities of …

Pull Down The Ivory Towers

From The Flaming Vegan: I know  that this is a depressing subject for a blog but there has been a lot in the news lately about  the poaching of wild animals so I felt moved by my anger and sadness to write about it. The news items lately have mainly featured  the  spate of killing by …

Death for Being Gay? – Sign Petition!

From Emma Ruby-Sachs – Avaaz.org The Ugandan Parliament is set to pass a brutal law that could carry the death penalty for homosexuality. If they do, thousands of Ugandans could face execution — just for being gay. We’ve helped stop this bill before, and we can do it again. After a massive global outcry last …

From Avaaz – Petition!

At any moment, a big-game hunting corporation could sign a deal which would force up to 48,000 members of Africa‘s famous Maasai tribe from their land to make way for wealthy Middle Eastern kings and princes to hunt lions and leopards. Experts say the Tanzanian President‘s approval of the deal may be imminent, but if …

Save the Internet from Big Brother(again!)

Right now, the US Congress is sneaking in a new law that gives them big brother spy powers over the entire web — and they’re hoping the world won’t notice. We helped stop their Net attack last time, let’s do it again. Over 100 Members of Congress are backing a bill (CISPA) that would give private …