Simple Spell For Summoning A “Familiar” or A “Familiar Spirit”

This spell is best cast on or just before the full moon~ Preparation: Bathe in a warm sea salt bath Cleanse your magickal space Dress a pink or white candle with your favorite oil/oils Burn cleansing incense like patchouli or dragons blood, or simply light the corner of a dried sage leaf and “smudge” your …

A spell to restore you to yourself.

. 1. Clean your space. 2. Make a natural arrangement that satisfies your heart. 3. Take a scented bath 4. Dress in loose, soft clothes. 5. Heat some apple juice with some slices of ginger to drink. 6. Light some candles and rose incense. 7. Read your favourite poems. 8. Give thanks to the powers …

The Witch In Every Woman

“There is a little witch is every woman” No truer words were ever spoken. We are all daughters of the moon, born of fire, water, earth, air, and spirit.  We are sister witches one and all.  A woman is magickal by her natural design. We are intuitive, courageous, powerful beings.  We are the seductive temptresses, the givers of life, the healers, …