Kreativ Blogger Awards

Master of Creativity: Picasso

This new year of 2012 has started off in an auspicious way! Let me count our blessings, if you will indulge me.

First of all, there are six of us here at the present, who complement each other wonderfully and harmoniously, which in and of itself is enough to keep on blogging like happy chappies and chapesses. You can read all our separate introductions in the header of this site.

Secondly, we have just recently received our second Liebster Blog Award, which you can read up on in an earlier article by clicking <here>

An unexpected third blessing is that we have reached the cape of one hundred followers on our site this very day, for which I thank our devoted readers profusely!       (Followers: 100 ; to wit: 59 blog followers. 9 comment followers. 10 Twitter followers. 22 Facebook followers. = from the site statistics)

And last but certainly not least, on checking our comments this morning, I found that we had received this most treasured of Kreativ Blogger Awards, for which I humbly thank Mister Martin Aliker from “The Happiness nest” site. Click <here> to read the article!

I now have to share ten  things about ourselves:

1. Ralphieportal could not have gotten this award without the contributions of the whole team(fact!).

2. I dearly miss my good friend and our first house-poet Lieven and I hope he comes out of hibernation soon!

3. SelargorNight has posted many poems that have enchanted us all and I hope he continues to do so often!

4. Sheila, our first house-witch, is an adornment to this site and I thank the stars every day that she is my friend(and adopted Gran!).

5. SaintMaj will hopefully regale us with more of his witticisms very soon!

6. Polly has joined her sister-witch and is adored and admired by all of us!

7. Ralphie is still a reprobate and will not be converting to any conformism any time soon, or ever for that matter!

8. Any lonely bloggers that would like to join our happy family can always give us a whistle and we will come a-runnin’! The more the merrier…

9. We’ve had visitors from 73 countries so far and I hope we can continue to spread zany, magical and happy thoughts to the rest of the world.

10. We sincerely hope that our policy of content over technological frills will continue to pay off.

There only remains for me to select my favourites for the Kreativ Blogger Awards and they are the following:

1. @GrumpyComments – always good for a laugh.

2. Lindy Lee – for original poems.

3. Philosopher Mouse of the Hedge – for quantum leaps of the imagination.

4. Linguistic Playfulness – for roaring prose.

5. TheTaoOfD – for thoughtful insights.

6. Waifette – for magnificent photography.

There are evidently many more that I adore, but the rules say that I can only choose six! Sorry about this.

Published by Revlang

I am a copywriter and I am committed to making our new technologies understandable to the not-so-very-young generations.

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