
another homeless person just died another homeless person died and not one person cried not one person cried cause its just another homeless person that died not people like you and me like you and me someone’s dying in the gutter somewhere dying in the gutter somewhere with nothing but their soul laid bare nothin …

Embrace The Witch

Embrace the Witch She is real and warm Truth Her pots bubble before dawn Simple She is intimate in charming ways Bewitching/enchanting/sensual She has ripened beneath sun, wind, clouds Wise She cares for tender things Compassionate She croons the rampant babes; she holds the frail hands of the dying Vigilant She binds, bends, splits, weaves, …

How well do you manage distraction? Take this three minute quiz…

Originally posted on Live & Learn:
“Do you leave the office with a nagging feeling that you worked all day but didn’t get your most important work done? Do you feel like you aren’t taking advantage of your talents and passions? Are you distracted by little things? Avoiding big hairy projects? Do you interrupt yourself…