Spring Equinox

The Equinox is coming.  The year is turning over – light replacing dark.  This is a time of change – unsettling – stirring.  I have mixed feelings about it – equal longings for the dark days of winter and the bright days of summer – an internal conflict.  It will pass as the year moves forward.

I look at the predicted sunrise and sunset times for next week.  All of the tables and charts state that Sunday is the day when the sun sets nearest to twelve hours after it rises.  All of them say that the Equinox will be on Wednesday.  As usual “science” makes no sense at all to me.  I decide that I will follow my own heart and celebrate on Sunday.

I will make my obeisance to the sun at dawn as it rises over the sea to the East.  Later I will take the seeds from the corn dollies that I made at Lammas and sow them in the hope that I will be able to continue this cycle in the future.  The wheat that I used to make the dollies, was an unforeseen gift resulting from an offering made to the Goddess and the birds last year.  I will also sow other seeds for our small garden on this day – herbs, vegetables and flowers.

I have invited a few dearly loved family members to a meal to celebrate the equinox.  I will make seed breads,  dukka,  a salad with the few fresh herbs emerging –  chive tips, fennel,  some mint which I have brought on in the kitchen.  Chocolate eggs and rabbits  (the latter to represent my favourite animal the Hare,  renowned for her exuberance at this time of year).  If we are very lucky it will be fine enough to light a fire and eat outside.

Already I feel stirrings of joyful anticipation.  Blessed Be.

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  1. I loved this post…. as usual! Have a blessed and joyful Equinox celebration, I have been planning our special gathering on this very morning, we’re in sync!
    Pollyweaver, you write so beauitfully, your words draw me in, make me feel what you are feeling and I love that!
    Bright Spring Blessings to you and yours~ )O(
