Imbolc – Candlemas

Imbolc – the full belly of the sheep.  Here in Wales there are more sheep than people. Now there are knubby small lambs out in the cold.  Traditionally this was the time when, as the days lengthened, candles were no longer required by farm servants to tend the stock.  Imbolc in Wales is “Gwyl Fair …

My Imbolc Incantation

Bring to me a bountiful bouquet of your sparkling golden light Bless my withered garden, with Sage, Thyme and Eyebright Fill my heart with heat, so that my passion knows no end Teach to me the ways of warmth, that my love may freely bend Set me high upon your inspiration peak Charm my words …

“The Feast Of The Bride” “The Bringer of Light” The Poets, “Beloved Brigid”

THE EXALTED ONE …woman of wisdom…a goddess whom poets adored…— Cormac’s Glossary   We witches will celebrate our sacred Sabbat soon. “Candlemass” or “Imbolc” known in early days as “The Feast of the Bride” will dawn upon our eager hearts on February second. The Celts loved and cherished their beloved Goddess Brigid so enthusiastically, that she was eventually Christianized as …