My Imbolc Incantation

Bring to me a bountiful bouquet of your sparkling golden light Bless my withered garden, with Sage, Thyme and Eyebright Fill my heart with heat, so that my passion knows no end Teach to me the ways of warmth, that my love may freely bend Set me high upon your inspiration peak Charm my words …

Mountain Witches

How could I be anything but a witch having grown up, and now, once again living within the green majesty of these beloved Mother Mountains?  Within these forested hills and deep, dark hollers are women who have never called themselves “witches.”   Women who have never entered the incense scented New Age Witch shop in town.  They have never worn …

Stones, Herbs, Flowers and Sticks

I suppose offering a magickal home to all who pass through our door is this crones little “cottage” hobby.  I have been working this past year to bring as much of nature indoors as humanly possible without starting a forest fire when I light my alter candles each dawn.   Poppa and I don’t run a fussy home here. We share our …

One Witches Alter

Salem: The Black Cat window shopping for birdies My Alter The Alter table came from rubbish, I freely admit Yet, after some clever crafting, it has no less than a high priestess fit It is round, and ever willing to bend It holds Magick and Wonders that never end Upon it, I cast my peaceful ways Lit candles …