The Pope’s Fake Diary Entry by Ralphie – LOL?

This is my entry for what some Pope somewhere might conceivably have written or shall perhaps write one day. To see my profile on The Spoof! <Click Here!> “I was sooo glad when Bishop Dinky gave me a miniature Pope mobile for my birthday, complete with toy security men aswell! I think I shall promote …

Facebook tests ‘pay to promote post’ tool! – LOL

From BBC Technology. <Click Here!> to read more. Facebook has started testing a system that lets users pay to highlight or promote posts. By paying a small fee users can ensure that information they post on the social network is more visible to friends, family and colleagues. The tests are being carried out among the …

Le parfum d’un loup (The scent of a wolf)

Originally posted on Motley News, Photos and Fun:
A fellow Facebook friend posted this earlier today. He runs a wolf and wolf-hybrid rescue out on the east coast. I thought it was so funny that I had to share. In working with dog rescue, there are times I can completely identify. LMAO…you know it might…